The Muñoz Method 8 Minute Warm-Up


Yes, a vocal warm-up in just 8 minutes! In this video series, I am going to share with you the flagship warm-up that I use with all of my students. It’s simple, fun & thorough. Using The Muñoz Method Warm-Up will activate your naturally powerful and dynamic voice and have you ready to speak throughout the day.



Who This Warm-Up is for

If you use your voice on a daily basis (and that would be ALL of you), this course is for you. Since most of us take our voice for granted and have never really thought about the possibility of developing it, I’m delighted to now offer my 8 Minute Warm-Up to you. From actors to attorneys, engineers to professors, tech entrepreneurs to babysitters, this warm-up will help you strengthen, develop and harness the powerful instrument that’s waiting to be released.

You’ll Learn How To

  • Breathe
  • Use Your Diaphragm
  • Connect your breath to your voice
  • Increase your volume
  • Explore your Vocal Range
  • Relax and engage your body
  • Exercise your articulators
  • Improve your diction
  • Speak out with power, clarity and confidence

Your Vocal Journey

A thorough vocal warm up is essential to any vocal journey. Whether you’re looking to increase volume, decrease nasality or develop a fuller, richer tone, this vocal warm-up will set you up for success.