Video Collections

Patrick has been publishing free videos on YouTube for years. Join the nearly 25,000 subscribers for some great voice & speech workouts!

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Live booking calendar

Browse Patrick's live appointment calendar below and select a date & time for your appointment.

Planning ahead?

Schedule your appointment up to 30 days in a advance with a 24-hour cancellation policy.

Email & SMS updates

Include your phone number for an SMS reminder the day prior to your appointment.

Video recordings provided

Portions of the online session will be recorded so that you can review classes at your convenience.

Continue your progress

You'll learn and practice live with Patrick, and leave with notes and exercises to follow.

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Patrick is here to help!
Send in your questions about private coaching, choosing an online course, or how Patrick can help you find your voice. Frequently asked questions & answers are below, too.
Direct contact:
Phone: (323) 422-8070
©2022 Patrick Muñoz — All rights reserved.